Holmatro takes line honours. Round the Island Race 2006
The Boatshed.com press team were out on the water to record the days proceedings for the JPMorgan Asset Management Round the Island Race.
The first boat across the line was "Holmatro" the Dutch VX40 The Dutch has taken line honours in the 2006 JPMorgan Asset Management Round the Island Race.
With the light airs, blue skies and strong UV factor, turned out to be a real tactical race of tide and light airs.
"Halmatro" tactics of hugging the coastline and using the sea breezes paid off as tacked around all the anchored boats in Osborne Bay towards the finish line. Creeping along at 2-3 knots in almost no wind, once past Norris point her speed increased to 6 knots across the finish line with two more VX40 in second and third positions stalled close to the Southampton shoreline NNE of the finish, then picking up a decent breeze to cross the finish line.
There were still boats ghosting towards the finish against tide and with little breeze at 22.00, cheers were heard from the boat crews when finish line had been acheived.
Boats taking part : 1587
Finished : 735
Finished on wrong line : 4
Finished but no dec : 15
Disqualified : 3
Retired : 577
No declaration : 253