And it's hot, hot, hot at the Southampton Boat Show (Day II)
Southampton Boat Show dawned bright and hot today (Saturday) with environmental campaigns at the forefront of everybody’s mind.
Boatshed is the first commercial volunteer with the Green Blue, the BMF/RYA initiative to help make boating more environmentally sound. Boatshed has bravely offered to help test a range of traditional ingredients on their boats – cleaning mildew off with lemon juice and salt and polishing woodwork with olive oil and vinegar. Watch this space for results over the coming months.
As a warm-up, Josh from Boatshed Plymouth agreed to get down with the kids on the Green Blue stand to practice his cleaning skills. Needless to say, the kids outshone him but as Katherine Rowberry from the organisation said “He does look great in a pinny!
Everyone that buys a boat through Boatshed receives a complimentary RNLI Offshore membership for a year and we are proud to announce that we referred our 100th customer today! Mrs Cross from Pembrokeshire was very pleased to receive her bottle of champagne and a personalised signed copy of Dee Caffari’s new book ‘Against the Flow' and to get the chance to have her hand shaken by Neil Chapman (as you can see from the photo).
We've had some famous visitors too - Paul Daniels and Debbie McGee dropped in, pronounced that the Boatshed system was "Magic" but sadly couldn't stay for our Fizz @ Five (their loss!)
Finally, apologies to the British Marine Federation press team for nearly causing an international incident with a suitcase in the press office but I’m glad we brightened up your afternoon!